With’s solutions we can revolutionise your business’ IT.
We work closely with our partners to offer a range of solutions, from productivity applications through to specialised business applications tailored for your business, no matter what the size.
Most solutions are based on Microsoft’s Azure cloud infrastructure, which secures customer applications and data with security and backup services.

Our backup service is hosted on Wasabi award winning cold storage platform providing chronological cold storage that is more cost effective than Amazon or Azure and has a higher security model than Amazon. No danger of your data being accidentally being publicly available, we use encryption keys not passwords to secure your data with our partner.

With our full help desk service and affordable support packages you only need to send an email to raise a support ticket.
We also offer the Mastertech Superagent that installs on your computers and servers providing on going monitoring, patching, remote software deployment. The Superagent will automatically raise a ticket and proactively remediate any issues in the first instance, before your computer’s issue becomes a problem!